The latest news on the internet is growing concern that the condos being developed in Toronto are far too tall. And there has been a push of late for more mid-rise and low rise development. The theory being that low-rise and mid-rise condos are more connected to their street, and hence more connected to the neighbourhood. Of course it could be a critics personal choice as to whether we should build highrise or low-rise to midrise in the downtown core. Of course with land becoming more and more scarce, and developer land cost rising faster and faster, there is probably little chance of them sacraficing their profits if the city is giving them full range of development options in exchange for community benefits such as cash, parks and other community infastructure. In my opinion, I except to see more mid-rise and low-rise development but likely not in the downtown core, if anything you may well see this development on the outer fringes of the downtown core, in places such as the Annex, The Beaches, High Park, and Rosedale where such development is probably more suitable than large scale mega highrise towers.
The Toronto Skyscraper Blog is All About Highrise Living and Building in Toronto!!!!
The latest development from Toronto which is a city on the verge of bursting as the following list of projects can attest. There are some 150 buildings in Toronto Currently Under-Construction. Then there are also Hundreds of new project proposals in the works. This project is the latest and just one of many on the go. There has been talk in some quarters of a condo bubble that may be bursting, however, those fears however well founded have proved not to be true.
Listing of the latest of the Toronto Projects and News:
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