- According to the recently released 2011 National Household Survey 19% of condominium owners in Canada were under the age of 35 and 29% were seniors 65 or older. Women made up 65% of condominium owner-occupants who lived alone including 76% of those aged 55 and older (see attached backgrounder for additional information on the condominium share of the homeownership market for selected centres in Canada)
What do we make of this new information.
Besides. are most of those cities even growing significantly within their city limits? We know for sure that Chicago isn't, and SF and Boston have been retreating from their historic highs for a number of years. We know they're growing in their metro areas, but much (most?) of that growth would not be in the form of condos. And perhaps the other cities had more rental apartment construction than Toronto. And we also know there were a number of years preceding the boom in which Toronto didn't really have significant condo construction despite its growth. So there was likely lots of pent up demand for condo development to occur.
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