Monday 7 January 2013

$400 Million in New Revenue For the City From Proposed Casino

$400 Million in New Revenue For the City From Proposed Casino

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is predicting that the city stands to gain $400 million dollars in revenues from a casino within city limits. They propose using that money towards the expansion of the subway, one kilometer and one station at a time. The city can use the revenue for steady and constant subway expansion. However others, including the OLG & Ernst and Young have come to different conclusions regarding future casino revenues. 
Depending on the location, Ernst & Young's estimates range quite a bit from as low as $16 million, in additional city revenue, to as high as $168 million. More importantly, though, the OLG itself estimates that a downtown/waterfront integrated entertainment complex (casino) would bring in only an additional $50-100 million to the city each year.

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