Saturday 15 December 2012

How Will Toronto Deal With Increased Density?

How Will Toronto Deal With Increased Density?

New Toronto LRT - Streetcars
Some councilors try to slow or stop the growth as they see fit, however they are  smart enough to see the areas being built up can't support the increase in population. That is why, we are seeing increased urgency when it comes now, to the Downtown Relief Line. The DRL as it is commonly know will help bring traffic into the downtown core from the East of Toronto at the same time, it will take pressure off of the Yonge Subway Line which many have argued for years is at, or about to reach it's capacity. Even with the new Toronto Rocket Trainsets, the line is incredibly busy, at almost all hours that the line is running. Even off peak travel on the Yonge Line can be a nightmare of crowds and delays. This is the price we pay for being a successful and growing city.

Things are not all doom and gloom, as we sometimes make them out to be, there are new Streetcars coming down the pipe within the next two years, which will add tremendous capacity to the core's infastructure, and then there is the Airport Relief Line, or the ARL which is currently under construction. This line built as a link between Union Station and Pearson Airport, has a trojan horse so to say, in that it can be converted to electric, a demand of residents nearby the line, and additional stops can be added, making it less of a commuter system, and more of an intra-city line. This in addition to capacity added for the arrival of the Pan Am Games in 2015 will do much to assist Toronto in building out on past success and making the future more bearable for the increasing amount of downtown residents.

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