Friday 1 March 2013

Repurposing Shipping Containers For Condos

Repurposing Shipping Containers For Condos

The use of shipping container concepts for urban living, and for living in underdeveloped areas  underscores our competitive and quick-changing society in which companies, housing and art space have to constantly adapt. As a concept they are cheap, easy to put together and very affordable. Finding the space for them will be a challange.

Shipping containers for which have the same form and function as anything for anything from coffee shops to furniture stores. The non permanent  nature of these containers is a useful aspect of the business model. An element of  prime use  and time-sensitivity is the novelty aspect that attracts people to the shop. The flexibility that comes with temporary locations increases consumer accessibility to products or services.

The shipping container wins in terms of practically, as idle shipping containers can be repurposed for tangible use and the industrial look is both mod and rad in contemporary design circles.

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