Monday, 3 December 2012

Skyscraper Hobbyist Praised By The Toronto Star for Future Skyline Render

Skyscraper Hobbyist Praised By The Toronto Star

Well, I was happy to see this morning that my fellow forumer over at and was acknowledeged by the Star for his contribution to generating interest in the massive redevelopment that is happening in Toronto Right now. My online pal, his handle is insertnamehere, in the Article they use his real name, Karl Vanderdeen, is praised for his hard and diligent work in putting together a skyline flyover of the City of Toronto once, all the recently completed projects that are on the dockets have been completed. I actually saw the renderings Carl posted last week, and thought I might give him some praise, here but I just never got around to it. The Toronto Star Article gives me my chance to give him some props on my blog too!

Congrats Insertnamehere (name inserted: Carl Vanderdeen)

Link to Article

The aspiring architect became fascinated with the skyscraper boom in the city about two years ago, haunting forums on sites like Urban Toronto and Skyscraper Page. When he saw the plans for Trump Hotel, he decided to use SketchUp to see what it would look like.
Then he constructed the waterfront development … and continued until he’d mapped the entire downtown core — with a bit of Yonge and Eglinton to the north and Humbertown to the far west.
The model is not perfectly accurate, says Vanderveen. He gets most of his data from building permits and development applications available through the city’s Open Data program. Sometimes he estimates pieces from developer marketing images.

New Trends in Condo Buying Emerging in the Toronto Area

 A few new trends to watch out for in the Toronto area when it comes to buying homes as well as buying condos. When it comes to buying homes, the latest tactic is to put a property which had previously been listed on the MLS system, on a bidding site, or list through an auction house to get buyers, sending the price of single detached homes soaring.

 As for condos the latest buying technique is the new trend with regards to micro housing, or micro condo living. And we’re seeing now, specifically designed condos to meet that purpose. Another new trend to look out for is the lack of supply in the purpose built rental housing market in Toronto. Even as new condos come online there remains a shortage of apartments built specific to that purpose, so condo rentals have increased even as vacancy climbs, rentals rates do as well.

 Busy Condo Market Boosts Toronto Home Sales 

With fewer homes in the detached category available in Toronto, new home buyers seem to be opting for new condos, with sales heading forward at a rocket pace last month. Sales of Existing Homes in the Toronto area moved up by a whopping 2.1% in February 2014, and that is compared to the same time period last year. That was mainly due to a 12.5% increase in the sales of condos within the city so stated by the Toronto Real Estate Board. That will contrasts with the sales declines that occurred in townhomes, detached and semi-detached housing during the month, which was mainly due to a constrained supply of those housing types.

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