Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Recommended for approval by City. 55, 45 and 18 floors on Carling at Preston Ottawa. Going to planning committee next week

Recommended for approval by City. 55, 45 and 18 floors on Carling at Preston Ottawa. Going to planning committee next week

The applicant’s proposal consists of a high-rise mixed-use development having three high-rise towers - 55 storeys (178 metres), 45 storeys (148 metres) and 18 storeys (66 metres) containing approximately 1120 units, approximately 6,800 square metres of ground floor commercial space, as well as a large plaza area at the end of Sidney between the two taller towers that extends to the O-Train Corridor Lands. This plaza has an area of approximately 1,600 square metres. Also, a link will be provided from the south tower to the Carling O-Train Station.

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