Thursday 19 December 2013

Information on the Working Group which is being assembled to take a look at the redesign or configuring of the King West Mirvish Gehry Proposal.

Information on the Working Group which is being assembled to take a look at the redesign or configuring of the King West Mirvish Gehry Proposal.

3. City Council direct that a working group be appointed by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the local Ward Councillor and the applicant, composed but not limited to the following persons, or their representatives:

- the Local Councillor as Chair
- the Chair of Planning and Growth Management Committee
- City Planning Staff
- the Applicant
- Local Community (3)
- Local BIA
- Toronto Preservation Board
- Heritage Toronto
- an Urban Planner
- an Independent Architect
- an Art Administrator
- an Ontario College of Art and Design University representative

4. City Council direct that the work plan for the working group above include but not be limited to the following:

a. Confirming a terms of reference at its first meeting;

b. Reviewing and discussing the current proposal and the alternative approaches contained in the staff report (December 17, 2013) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, as amended, and to identify issues and concerns pertaining to the development of the lands and their impact on the community;

c. Reviewing issues including but not limited to the site development, neigbourhood context, managing growth in the area, internal configurations for the programme, external dimensions of the proposed development, the location of the buildings, infrastructure requirements and the issues related to the heritage resources on site;

d. Considering the construction and delivery of significant enhancements to the John Street Cultural Corridor, the pedestrian realm, and improving transit capacity of King Street West as they relate to the proposal;

e. Recording points of consensus and/or divergent points of view on issues;

f. Requesting City staff and the applicant to support the Working Group with any technical information that they may require, including but not limited to support for recording and writing the final report; and

g. Hosting at least one public meeting forum to obtain community feedback and that notice of this public meeting to be mailed to all residents within 120 metres of the site and any other individuals who have expressed written interest in the proposal so far.

5. City Council direct that following the working group process, a third party mediator be retained, if needed, (cost shared by the applicant and the City Planning Division) to review the findings of the working group and work with the City and the applicant to obtain a settlement on any outstanding issues, the mediator will be jointly appointed by the City Planning Division and the Applicant.

6. City Council direct that the findings of the working group be reported by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to City Council through the Toronto and East York Community Council, no later than the March 20, 2014 meeting of Council with any recommendations or potential settlement proposals that may emerge from the process.

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