Monday 14 October 2013

Houston has been an excellent steward and manager of America's fossil fuel resources and continues to be the leading port of the United States on the southern coast. It is also one of the 5 largest cities in the United States and one of the largest in North America.

Chevron to Build Another Tower in Downtown Houston

Houston Condo Blog
Chevron ditching their 1985 San Ramon campus and relocating to Houston? 

marketing strategy real estate

Reports and  rumors after the new tower was announced but there hasn't been any recent news heard  since. it seems like it would be hard to find someone to buy their huge old campus from them, but maybe it could be split up into a business park or something. if they were to relocate the rest of their employees they would need a pretty large tower one would think. maybe Houston's next supertall?

Chevron is one of the United States leading Oil and Energy conglomerates and based out of Houston, with expansive real estate and property holdings there. Houston Real Estate has been on the rebound of late, with the recovery which has been occurring in the United States, which has been lead by the discovery and production of shale gas in the northern states of the Union. 

Houston has been an excellent steward and manager of America's fossil fuel resources and continues to be the leading port of the United States on the southern coast. It is also one of the 5 largest cities in the United States and one of the largest in North America. 

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