A quick snap of the sales office at the corner of Queen and Spadina
This is the sales Office for FAD Condos at the corner of Queen and Spadina.
Application: Zoning Review Status: Not Started
Location: 170 SPADINA AVE
Ward 20: Trinity-Spadina
Application#: 11 268423 ZPR 00 ZR Accepted Date: Sep 2, 2011
Project: Apartment Building New Building
Description: Proposal to demolish existing building and construct a new 17 storey apartment building (186 Units) with a 4 storey below grade parking facility (65 parking spaces).
Rendering of the Completed Project
Number 1 - A-u-ra Condo 273 Meters (Construction Updates)
Number 2 - One B-lo-or East 260 Meters (Construction Updates)
Number 3 - I-C-E Condo - Tower 2 Construction - 234 meters - 202 meters
Number 4 - L T-ow-er Construction Updates - 205 meters
Number 5 - I-C-E C-on-do - Tower 1 - Construction Update - 202 meters
Number 7 - Hu-llmark Co-rpo-rate Centre Construction Updates - 168 meters
Number 8 - Kar-ma Cond-os - (Shoring and Site Prep) - 165 meters
Number 9 - Wes-tlake Village Condos ( Under Construction) - 163
Number 10 - FI-VE C-ondos ( Construction Updates) - 161 meters
A Sponsor of the Skyscraper Blog - A Sweeter Shade

Stunning condominiums, building you have shared in here. SO nice to live in a place like this. :)