Thursday 4 October 2012

What Does 85 Floor Condo Say About Toronto? Should We be Scared?

Has Toronto Changed, Who's Changing it, Why are they Scared?

Gehry and Mirvish Towers
When did Toronto become a big city? Did it become a big city in 1976 when we overtook Montreal becoming the largest city in Canada? Or did we become a large city when we built our subway in 1954, the first subway in Canada? Or maybe we became a big city when we built the CN Tower? Did we become a big city when the 401 was widened to 16 lanes of pure motoring enjoyment?

Who knows?

All I know is that it seems there are a lot of people in this city who dwell on negatively and obstruct growth. The growth that is happening now, fueled by young people that what to live downtown. I'm not going to say the blockers are all old foggies, but basically, yes they are the old timers. Stuck in the past. I bet they were young too, probably young when the Subway was built, or Yonge when the TD Centre was built, they might have been Young when the CN Tower was built. But now they are bitter, sick of Toronto growing skyward, probably, don't even live in the downtown core. I mean how could they, they hate highrises, they must live in Vaughan, and drive everywere... or some commune in Kensington Market. What the hell is up with these people. My rule is, that no councillor from the outside the old City of Toronto should have any say on this Mega Project. Don't tell us how to build our skyscrapers, we won't tell you how to build your Bungalows, and Strip Malls... deal? DEAL! good lordl

This project is changing Toronto, we are overtaking all other cities, and yet people here are so scared, stop being scared. Look at Calgary, did anyone in Calgary try and block the Bow Office Tower, a landmark David Foster Design, of course not. They all were "gun-ho" for going bigtime for their super skyscraper. Even though really by Toronto standards it was a shorty, in Calgary, it might as well have been the Burj Dubai. Big Ups! and Props to Calgary, a city with a brain. What will they think of next?

Toronto and the people living here, we need to step up our game, we're falling behing, and when we get a chance to go big, like Manhattan style, we get scared, why are we so scared. Stop being scared Toronto. Let's be brave, let's move with Mirish and Gehry. Let's make this mega project happen.

Getting a Mortgage and Mortgage Insurance through National Bank Insurance for financing a loan to purchase at FIVE Condos is actually a relatively easy process, and new rules from the federal government has required that company include new regulations, which have made the home loan and mortgage process a bit more difficult. Those changes at National Bank Insurance include shortening the amortization period for which the loan can be held by the consumer, and the degree to which the property is financed by the mortgage. They have also increased deposit requirements to lift the loan insurance amount. Mortgage insurance from National Bank Insurance is actually one of the major financing costs on home loans.

Investment Trusts have no taken to looking to purchase rental properties and acquiring mortgages through financing auctions by the banks looking to shore up their balances sheets in light of stricter government regulation. These regulations have actually made holding residential mortgages by the large financial institutions harder to hold. Currently investors are looking to increase their position in rental properties in Toronto, at the same time the federal government in co-operation with the financial institutions are making getting and qualifying for loans and mortgages more difficult

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