Saturday 1 September 2012

Oxford's New RBC Waterpark Place U/C

WaterPark Place - RBC 

Construction has begun on the new RBC headquarters building at Waterpark Place near the Toronto Harbourfront on Queens Quay at Bay Street. This new office tower will connect to the PATH and to the Menkes Development next to the Air Canada Centre. This building is 35 floors and will join the two existing towers of the Waterpark Place development.

Secrets of Toronto's Development Success:

Toronto is a true international city, it has drawn hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world, seeking to make a better life. It's people are industrious and entrepreneurial, which along with some great geographic luck has made Toronto's economy one of the world's most dynamic finance, trading, exporting and manufacturing centers. Over the past 15 years there has been a dramatic shift in the population patterns of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) as the population begins to concentrate into the downtown core, for reasons ranging from transport without a car, to low condo pricing, for young people. Over the last decade an average of 10,000 new condos per year have been sold in the core, in the past 5 to 7 years this average has been over 15,000 new condos. and in the past 3 years there have been over 20,000 new condo sales per year. There is a flare associated with downtown living in Toronto, that the suburbs can't match. It's attracting more people everyday, and so far, there seems nothing set to change it.  

Getting a Mortgage and Mortgage Insurance through Aviva Canada for financing a loan to purchase at FIVE Condos is actually a relatively easy process, and new rules from the federal government has required that company include new regulations, which have made the home loan and mortgage process a bit more difficult. Those changes at Aviva Canada include shortening the amortization period for which the loan can be held by the consumer, and the degree to which the property is financed by the mortgage. They have also increased deposit requirements to lift the loan insurance amount. Mortgage insurance from Aviva Canada is actually one of the major financing costs on home loans.

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