Monday 17 September 2012

Cadillac Fairview Tower & Simpson Tower (Queen Richmond)

From Tonight

A shot of some classic and iconic towers from Queen Street West. The Cadillac Fairview tower and the Simpson Tower. A lot of people usually get there first impression of these towers from almost infinite amount of postcards which feature their likeness.

Cadillac Fairview is the subsidiary of the Ontario Teachers Pension Fund, one of the world's largest. CF is also one of the largest developers of office real estate in the city of Toronto.

Simpsons is a now defunct retail chain that along with the Bay and Eaton's use to dominate the shopping scene in Toronto and Canada. Merged with the Hudson's Bay in the late 80's and early 90's.

Getting a Mortgage and Mortgage Insurance through BMO Insurance for financing a loan to purchase at FIVE Condos is actually a relatively easy process, and new rules from the federal government has required that company include new regulations, which have made the home loan and mortgage process a bit more difficult. Those changes at BMO Insurance include shortening the amortization period for which the loan can be held by the consumer, and the degree to which the property is financed by the mortgage. They have also increased deposit requirements to lift the loan insurance amount. Mortgage insurance from BMO Insurance is actually one of the major financing costs on home loans.


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