Power outage hits downtown Toronto August 11th 2022. Mobile Crane at waterfront is likely cause. Toronto Hydro stated power had resumed to about 50% of customers by about 6pm.
The power outage impacted Dundas Square and the Eaton centre as well as many businesses in the financial core.
First Impression. Its very humid and hot, maybe more humid than Bangkok but not as hot. I don't know if that makes sense, but kinda like that.
My first photo is of the Orchard Road Area. Lots of high end shops and skyscrapers. Lots of people and underground bypasses to miss the traffic at street level if you are a pedestrian.
I was so hungry, i couldn't wait to go to Chinatown, so I went to Orchard towers for dinner tonight. The food was good and the place reminded me if the basement level foodcourt at Chinatown centre, just way better food.
I got a choice hotel on Stevens. Its about a 5 to 10 minute walk to Orchard Road and there is also a shuttle bus and you can catch the city bus as well
Singapore MRT. Very Efficient and Effective transit around Singapore. I did a test trip to Raffles Place and then To Chinatown from my Hotel HQ at Orchard Road. Singapore subways are very modern and clean when compared to Toronto. I really enjoyed using the trains even when it was a bit crowded. No problems at all.